Testimonials & Reviews
Auto Accident pain relief with Upper Cervical care and cold laser therapy
After an auto accident this patient was experiencing whiplash symptoms of vertigo, neck pain, blurry vision, limited neck mobility, and brain fog. The primary chiropractic treatment for this case consisted of a very specific adjustment of the 1st cervical joint using the NUCCA technique that requires no twisting or popping of the neck. This technique utilizes very specific imaging of the upper neck with analysis to determine the proper vector of correction. A whiplash/concussion protocol of cold laser was also administered to aid in the healing of injured tissues. After the first treatment, consisting of a very gentle upper cervical adjustment of the top bone in the neck and cold laser therapy, she noted tremendous relief, more crisp vision, and improved neck motion. With continued treatment she noted relief with the vertigo, neck pain and brain fog.
Headaches, Neck pain, Nausea, and Tinnitis gone!
This patient came to see us following a head injury which left her with headaches, neck pain, nausea and ringing in her ears. We treated her spine including specific upper cervical care of the C1 vertebrae along with in-office and at home rehab, and laser therapy for tissue healing and inflammation reduction.
Young patient, old looking neck…not anymore!
This 31 year old patient had notable neck pain and was shocked to see how much their alignment and neck posture was restored with chiropractic, in-office active rehab and at home rehab. No longer do they have what what patient’s refer to as the turtle-head or hump-back syndrome. There is still some forward head posture to work on, but this patient now has a much better likelihood of not having earlier onset arthritis and disc degeneration as well as less frequent neck pain.