by Dr. Matthew Ferris | Sep 1, 2022 | Blog, Testimonials
After an auto accident this patient was experiencing whiplash symptoms of vertigo, neck pain, blurry vision, limited neck mobility, and brain fog. The primary chiropractic treatment for this case consisted of a very specific adjustment of the 1st cervical joint using...
by Dr. Matthew Ferris | Aug 26, 2022 | Blog, Testimonials
This patient came to see us following a head injury which left her with headaches, neck pain, nausea and ringing in her ears. We treated her spine including specific upper cervical care of the C1 vertebrae along with in-office and at home rehab, and laser therapy for...
by Dr. Matthew Ferris | Aug 26, 2022 | Blog
“My research, conducted over a ten-year period utilizing clinical and cost outcomes data from one of the nation’s largest insurance underwriters, suggest that the regular utilization of chiropractic could reduce the need for hospitalization, pharmaceutical usage...
by Dr. Matthew Ferris | Aug 25, 2022 | Blog, Testimonials
This 31 year old patient had notable neck pain and was shocked to see how much their alignment and neck posture was restored with chiropractic, in-office active rehab and at home rehab. No longer do they have what what patient’s refer to as the turtle-head or...
by Dr. Matthew Ferris | Aug 24, 2022 | Blog, Testimonials
A patient came to us who was constantly having back pain when running and wanted a conservative care option instead of continuing to use over the counter and prescription medication for the pain. The patient also noted frustration over not being able to go running as...
by Dr. Matthew Ferris | Aug 23, 2022 | Blog, Testimonials
65 year old patient with constant intense low back pain (8/10 intensity) that radiated down right leg came to our office seeking a solution so he could stop popping pain medication to temporarily give relief. After 3rd visit pain was reduced to 5/10, after 6th visit...